Sunday, February 5, 2017

Ultra Learning!

     As things go very quickly and technology improves , we multitask and achieve less than actually we would achieve .The most important part of correcting something is called 'find the problem ' .Ok, the problem is out there but what should we do about it ? 
I am going to pronounce it here ; "Ultra Learning "
                                     What is Ultra Learning ? 
To make it short ; Ultra learning is taking a hard subject and then you scheduale a time for learning it then you just give yourself to it.I want to give some examples ; you want to learn algebra which is not an easy subject to learn and you say you will learn it in 10 days .You work like hell :) and spend your 10 days on nothing but learning this stuff .
This "ultra-learning" is the result of 20+ years of life of someone who has a natural urge to understand things, an untamable curiosity and by thriving with solving new problems becomes addicted to it. These factors generate the habit of practicing ultra-learning.

Mastering happens when you an habit of practicing something you enjoy lasts over  time. (according to Malcolm, 10k hours)

If you are a curious person, and if you like the challenge of learning something new then you just need time and exposure. Prioritize topics by personal interest and move on to the next when it becomes boring.
 I want to give a quick and very useful scheduale time table to you ;
 An uninterrupted 30-minute work period followed by a 10 minute break. Before each cycle you ask yourself the following questions:
  1. What do I plan on accomplishing?
  2. How will I begin?
  3. What are my energy and morale like
And after each cycle you ask yourself these questions:
  1. Did I accomplish my goal?
  2. Were there any hazards present?
  3. How will I improve for my next cycle?
  4. What are my energy and morale like?
Additionally, at the beginning of a the study section you ask yourself this set of questions just once:
  1. What’s my first priority today?
  2. Why is this important for me?
  3. How will I know when I’ve finished?
  4. Any dangers present (procrastination etc.)?
And of course when you finish you debrief with this list of questions:
  1. What did I get done in this time period?
  2. How does this compare to my normal studying routine?
  3. What big improvement can I make in future study sections?
If you want to apply this :First, ask questions to yourself like ‘why is this important to me’ 
Ultraworking is a scaffold making this process quicker and more efficient.
Secondly ; be positive and have faith in yourself , believe this is going to make a big difference in your life .
2017 could be the most productive year of your life!
Thirdly : Take action and never wait for the perfect moment. 

Now ı want you to ask a question to yourself. What is the time ? ( ı know you did not expect me to ask this ) 
There is an answer that is the right answer for all. The answer is NOW .Yes , please , make your nows perfect and take care of yourself. 
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