Sunday, March 26, 2017

5 The Most Beneficial Ted Talks Ever

People who want learn more and spend their time benefiting from videos and at the same time have fun watch Ted - Talks .People even stopped watching tvs which is an great improvement .As Ted talk give people an opportunity to tell people what they feel about , more people involve in translating Ted talks so that more and more people can benefit from them .

There are really some Ted talks that are life changing and i think you should give a look at them , i bet you will love them ...

1) Life is easy. Why do we make it so hard?
 | Jon Jandai

  I am so serious this Ted talk video has changed my perspective of looking at life .It really give a quick understanding of how life really works in a materialistic World.He talks about his life and his journey in life .I do not want to cut off your joy , just go ahead and enjoy watching ..
Because he inspired me a lot i have written an article on Life is Easy But We Make It Difficult  , you can read it just by clicking on the title

2) Why We DO What We Do | Tony Robbins

  This ted talk is from famous entrepreneurship Tony Robbins .He talks about why we are doing what we do ..This video is good to learn to realize that we have a purpose of doing anything.

3) The Puzzle of Motivation  by Dan Pink
   Here he looks at motivation from a different point that most of us struggle to see ...

4) Do Schools Kill Creativity  by Ken Robinson

  He talks about school system that affect our all life ..Let 's see to learn  whether school kills creativity or not

5) How Great Leaders Inspire Action
 by Simon Sinek

 A very important topic on actions ...He explains everything on a clever way .

Thursday, March 23, 2017

How to be a straight A student

Do you want to be good in class and successful person after class?
Follow these steps by steps and learn to be among the best student in
class . These are;

Speak Up in Class

Raise your hand, even when you’re not sure about the answer. Avoid
editing what you want to say in your head, and try not to worry about
being wrong. Speaking up is not about having the perfect answer. It
gives you the experience of thinking on your feet, debating with
others, and wrestling with an idea – all crucial skills that you’ll
use in every area of your life.
Challenge Yourself
When we worry about failure or criticism, we’re more likely to seek
out experiences we know we can control. But playing it safe means
you’ll never have the exhilaration of overcoming an obstacle and
proving to yourself (and others) that you’re brave enough to try. Push
yourself beyond your comfort zone. Take up a sport you’ve never
played. Enroll in a class that no one would expect you to take. Learn
how to code. Or take a small risk, like introducing yourself to
someone you don’t know.

Ask for Help

The most successful people don’t make it on their own. Instead, they
find advisors along the way: experienced, wiser people who know a lot
and help them. Don’t be afraid to ask teachers, coaches, or other
adults you admire to talk with you about what you’re passionate about.
Ask them what they wish they’d known when they were your age. Who
knows, one day they may even help make your dreams a reality!

Trust Your Inner Voice

We all have a voice playing inside our heads. It might say little
things like “I wish the bell would ring” or big things like “I wish my
friend would stop asking me about my grades.” That voice is your gut.
It’s telling you what you genuinely think, need and want. It’s easy to
stop listening to that voice when you’re worried about what people
might think. Stay connected to it as much as you can. It’s your inner
compass. If you can’t share that voice now, keep a journal where you
can – and keep looking for the people who want to hear it.

Raise your hand
Never feel shy to say or raise your hand in class this will help you
to learn a lot and you will be conscious of what teachers are saying.

Ask questions

Asking question will make u fully understand the subject and some
teachers believed when students didn't ask questions they didn't
understand , there must be question if you understand the topic.

Be friendly

Be friend will brilliant students who are serious not the doll one I
mean un serious students there don't be friend with un serious because
you too you will join them when your friends are hard working you willbe a hard working person.

Keep silent
For me I chose to keep silent for most of the time , this will help yo
refresh your brain always and you will always be positive.

Be positive

Always be positive in class don't act like a doll , be calm , be
patient , be soft , pay much attention this will help  u  to be among
the serious students

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

The Best Exam Tips Ever

 Today i can pretty much say that i practiced that tips again ...Today i had an physics exam and i really did not study much for it .

For other exams i used to study a lot but this time what i did was not studying for many hours but it was studying in a clever way. That s why i was able to figure out very hard questions..

The very first thing to do is :to know what you are going to be reading in study session.

 No matter you get anything from what you are reading or not ; only read it .

Consider you are going to review 60 pages notes ..I always used to wonder what i am going to see on the other page.Believe me , knowing what you are going to be studying about gives you opportunities .How? you happen to see it ..When you are reviewing your notes , you see it , you read it and maybe you hear if you are reading loudly ..When you look at the notes that you are going to be studying in a quick way .You gain more time , your brain has the idea of what it will see , you have confidence that you already kind of reviewed it ..

 The first review was in a very quick way .Now you are ready to divide notes into parts and start reviewing slowly .When you understand everything on a page  you go onto other one..

For every page ; notes are filled with my letter and words ..not all of them are needed .So if you have attended classes you already know which one was important for your teacher ,the high possibility  he is going to ask about it .On the other hand , if you did not attend any lecture ; you are already going to realize the sentences that talk about quality ,quantity , formula...these are the important ones .

If you have many formula , make sure to know where they come from and make connections between others .

After you review everything , have a break and do something else ..If you have time , you should revise it again for the third time but the key here is that you spend more time on the most important ones.

After this , if you have time and appetite to revise go ahead but for me i don't feel like that ..

There are other things that you should be concerned about ; ask teacher how the exam is going to be ;multiple questions or whatever ..ask your teacher which points are the most important ( if you teacher gives this information to you :) )

Solve questions , know where you are going to use those formulas

The most important one : do not hurry .You can start from whatever question you want ..

When you have exam sheet in front of you  , have a look at all question and seriously start from the one that seemed easy to you ..After then you will feel like you have more motivation to continue .Even the one that seemed very hard to you is going to be like ABC . You are going to remember it ..

Do you know today in exam what i thought ? a quote from Einstein ; he said ' if i had one hour to solve a problem i would spend 55 minutes thinking about problem and 5 minutes for solving it ..' 

That is exactly what i have learned today ..As a student i ll have many exams in future and that is the most important tip that i will always be obeying , so will you ?

  I hope the best study exam tips are going to help you to get the best grades 

Saturday, March 18, 2017

The Most Useful Study Hacks For Exams

Many times you may find yourself one day or one week before
examination and you didn't prepare for it, either because of too much
works nor you are not focusing enough in this article I'll explain how
to study for your exams even if its too late .

Get Prepared 
Prepare everything that you need before you start studying your note
books , lectures note , your phone and PC that will help you to watch
videos about the area that you are confuse , choose with one is best
for you watching , reading or listening to the audio lectures.

Learners remember
10% of what they read
20% of what they hear
30% of what they see
50% of what they hear and see
70% of what they say
90% of what they say as they do what they say .

Here I suggested you to read from your note and watch videos lectures
from your PC or mobile phone , after that close your book and PC find
an empty book and write down what you learn . Watching videos have two
advantages you will hear that means you will remember 20% of what you
hear from the video and you see you will remember 30% of what you see
from that video .
You can choose which one is best for you .

Set a plan 

Sit down and write down down your plan, proper study time , taking
rest set a time for everything if you are to study for 5 hours you
have to rest at least 10-15 minutes in each hour and in your plan you
have to write 6 or 7 extra hour to avoid unnecessary distraction .
Stick to your plan
Don't ever give up , stick to your plan no one is perfect everyone can
do it disobeying your plan will make you learn nothing except a lesson
that will learn when the result is out.

Don't get distracted but how?
We have two types of distraction which are;

1- External distraction
2- internal distraction

External distraction

The external distractions are things that we pick up from the
surrounding world through our senses. They are the things that we see,
hear, smell, taste, and touch. For examples ; reading while radio TV
is on , being distract by noisy things  .
Make sure you find a good study time and a conducive atmosphere with
will be quite and good for studying , you can go to library , your
room , or any other proper place for studying the more you get
distract the more you will lose your focus .

Internal distraction

The internal distractions are mostly the things that bounce around in
our brain like random thoughts, memories or dreams. That’s what most
meditation practices tend to focus on: disciplining our monkey minds
to be more focused and calm.
Do everything that will make you happy and don't bother yourself and
worry too much this is to avoid internal distraction the more you
internally get distract the more you will not focus enough .

Eat Healthy
Have 3 square meal a day this will keep you healthy and make you focus
more on your studies , leaving yourself with hungry stomach will not
help u to focus enough you will end up beating a dead horse.
Study without limits.
Study like if you fail each course you will be withdraw from the school .
Taking nap
Take a nap when you study much this will help you to refresh your
brain and wake up fresh .
Believe in yourself
Put it in your mind that you can do it and only working hard will make u do it .
Finally have a confident and never tend to give up if you study much
you can hang around with friends and have some exercise .

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Changing For A Better Life


   Hi there , life has always been changing and some people are lucky who are those who change themselves to be better .If you do not have challenged anything in life and everything was easy , this is in fact a bad thing.While some of us become sad that we cannot be disciplined there are those this is easy for them .Do not ever be sad because you have an habit you do not like .Once someone happened to say where there is problem there is opportunity .

 I am embarrased to tell a bad story here but i really want to .There was a girl who was among many relatives and the people who loved to spend time watching tv , playing games and so on ...Days passed , months passed , years became decade and is about to become two decades but she just spent time on useless things .Even though she was taught english in school for 12 years she only knew no more than 20 words but then when it came to the first year of university she needed to learn English , so she started .Some thought it is because of teacher that she learned English language so well but they were wrong .She actually discovered the power of learning on own .19.8 years after she was born , she can say that she can live now .Do you know why ? because she does what she loves .She wants to scream on the top of mountain ' I love to spend time with what i love' ..Did you watch that Steve Jobs had said we should have passion .Yes that passion happened to appear in her heart .She searched a lot and then she loved programming but still just continued searching ..After one year she had come to a point that it is enough search and waiting .She should start learning .

 You may think that this story is not a sad story but it seems a storty of an unsuccessful person .It is up to you to see it as a sad story or not.But it is not an story of unsuccessful person because life is continuing and everyone make mistakes.There are people who spend their whole life in vain .This girl does not want to be one of them .This girl wants success anymore .She knows she cannot earn the years back but she can make her moments perfect .

Today this girl started to learn programming .I beleive it  need to be appreciated .Well , it is actually me i live in this way i love to make moments perfect and better . It does not matter how i spent my life in the past , like only playing games , being with family and friends.I just want to learn from past and look at the moment  As long as i breathe i dont give up

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

9 The Most Important Reasons Why To Blog

   Fill your blog with your love ...

  Writing a blog would be the best thing everyone would have done in life . The very precious thing is that people are reading your blog , benefitting from what you have written and even enjoying ...

In life it is not easy for everyone to make others listen to them but blogging is a way to do that and imagine you have been using internet for many years and you came across with many websites but this one is going to be yours .This is something gives confidence to everyone

  The Reasons Why To Blog :

   When i had just started blogging and started to let people know it , many people had asked me what is blogging and why are you doing this ?
  Hey it is hobby , i damn love it . I can spend my whole day on blogging .

 It Gives You Confidence 

 It does not matter whether you have done much in life or not .It does not matter whether you know techniques of openning blog and so on ...just do it , start blogging .Believe me people who do not ever have knowledge of writing codes ,making websites always prefer openning blog or just pay money to someone else to do for them .But blogging is different . It is something beautiful to achieve in life and we do not even know what essential things it may bring to us in future.Doing this great work just gives confidence..

You Can Let People Know Your Ideas

 That is something powerful .You may be spending your day thinking of many ideas but finding noone to discuss .Blogging is a way to let people know your ideas and discuss with them.

It Starts A New Journey

   You are going to be expending your knowledge on vocabulary and on the things you are writing about.You are going to know other bloggers and maybe start an enjoyable life with your new friends.
You are going to be a day-thinker, thinking of what to write about which will make you have to learn at least one thing a day.

It Lets You Know Yourself More

  Some people have a habit of writing down what they do and they test their own character but  most of the people do not really do that .I am sure most of us are included to that group .

 Over years it is known that every author has a unique way of writing and their writing show their characteristic behaviours , so while writing you are going to realize what kind of person you are .So by blogging you can actually understand yourself .

You May Find Something You Love 

  You may find out that you love writing or on the other hand , because you are going to be writing very often you will have to have an subject to write about .What you write about the  most is your hobby .You love and want to learn about it ,so this give an idea of what you really love to do.

It Gives You An Ability To Say 'No' And Be Selective

The internet is full , over billions of books are written since the beginning of the World.Of course you cannot write about everything .It give an ability to say no to some subject , to some ideas, to some articles and even maybe to some people because there is going to be people who may want to publish their articles and you have to be selective to choose the best .

It Helps You To Fill The Free Moments Of Life With Fun
 You may feel like there is nothing to do and feeling bored .Blogging is one of the best ways to spend time with in your free hours .

You Can Make Money

  You can add advertisements to your blog and make money .Even you can come across a very famous person loving your articles and you may be hired just because of your beautiful writing .

It Is Easy
  Starting a blog is very easy .To be able to write everyday you just need to love it and love comes when people comment on your blog and when they thank you for such a nice article.

Monday, March 13, 2017

7 The Most Important Study Hacks

     Studying is a must for everyone .Everyone studies and wants to be good at it .Studies most of the time make us stressed even if we feel we cannot finish the homework we are required to do .As there are techniques for everything i am going to be showing you 7 the most important study hacks  .

Make Your Senses Count 

 Watch a YouTube Video About The Subject You Are Studying
  We remember the most of what we see .That is why it is important to make sure that our all senses are working toward our goal of studying .

Do Not Study More ,Study Actively

  Always be aware of your situation .If you think you do not get any of it ,at this point you must not give up .But if you realize your brain is tired , you should take rest and do not ever forget that it is not that we study more and more hours but we study actively not passively

Take Notes and Make Them Enough Exciting For You 

   I say enough because everyone has a way of taking notes .My suggestion would be that you write them in a way it is clear and you fill it with your words.

Teach It To Someone 

   I am not embarrased to say that i used to teach everything to the tv which was always off .It is like it was there as my student .I had almost never watched tv on it but used it as my student .

Take A Nap Or At Least Rest 

   This is important for our brain to get free. if you nap straight after an intensive study session, your brain will transfer the information from your short term memory to your long term memory where it could last a lifetime so you should take the advantage of this ! Nice Nap Taking To you 

Do Not Be Busy 

  Yes , you heard it right .Dont be busy with the things you are not concerned with .After i learnt that the people who are on their dead bed are the most to regret .I am sure that i dont want to regret .

Study In Sessions

   Well , many people out of nowhere says that we should use pomodoro  technique. I am OK with that but not everyone is same , not every lecture topic is same and so on .So do what makes you feel comfortable with studying .Sometimes you may want to study 20 mins sometimes 1 hour .There is just a point that study consistently

      Question : what study hacks would you give to students ?
        I am waiting your answer in comment session . May your days be fulfilled with happiness

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Which Habits to Have to Be Successful

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Life is easy but we make it difficult

Life is easy but we make it difficult

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  Life is different for everyone .Some have a difficult one , some have an easy one...It is known that people who had the most challenging life in the beginning of their lives ; they are the successful ones because they are brave enough to take responsibilities and have seen the dirtiness of the World earlier...

Our World is full of people who want to take our attention.Social media , television , too many artists , actors , politicians and so on ...

The turth is that ; we live in an materialistic world where people exactly produce things just to take our time , prevent us from questioning and from having our own freedom.

Everything started when we were so small .The beautiful hearted we , we were babies but there were already bad people in the World who wanted to rule us .They just all affected our lives...How ? do you think all inventions are beneficial for us ?Even the word interacting has been changing.

We started to live ourlives without questioning , but then what ? Oh they aspect us to be creative ..Hell , no they just want us to invent more , for what ?To make them rich but harm many people at the same time .

I am not telling that we should not have internet and so on .Instead , i do love it.But let's be sure there is a work done for a high price in a rich country and done for a few price in a poor country .The same work , same energy but no fair 

Once someone said ; he was born in a village .He went to university and then saw people different than him .He started wear like they do , eat like they do then what? he got broke...After this shock he asked himself 'do i have to wear the same brand as that actor does? , do i have to give high price for a same or lower product ? why do i study ?' ...these question led him to think as ; i study to be able to afford what i love to buy , a home and a car ...Then he just drop out the university.He made a house for himself in 3 months . He again started to wear what he sew for himself ..He left trying to be like that actor ...then he built some other homes and then sold one of them , he bought a car with it. While the highly successful friend of him was just going to graduate , he had already built the life that he wanted.

Life is not difficult , we make it difficult .We would be having a lower brand phone , a smaller house and so on instead of working like hell for someone else , trying to afford the bills , hearing the boss screaming ..This is just an advice for the ones who just want to have a house and a car ...Because it doesn't really take a lot to do them but instead , have a really good goal and work for it not for money .Because the people who rule us want us to work a lot and spend our all money on that the most expensive car ..Why ? oh because it is expensive and everyone has it