Saturday, March 18, 2017

The Most Useful Study Hacks For Exams

Many times you may find yourself one day or one week before
examination and you didn't prepare for it, either because of too much
works nor you are not focusing enough in this article I'll explain how
to study for your exams even if its too late .

Get Prepared 
Prepare everything that you need before you start studying your note
books , lectures note , your phone and PC that will help you to watch
videos about the area that you are confuse , choose with one is best
for you watching , reading or listening to the audio lectures.

Learners remember
10% of what they read
20% of what they hear
30% of what they see
50% of what they hear and see
70% of what they say
90% of what they say as they do what they say .

Here I suggested you to read from your note and watch videos lectures
from your PC or mobile phone , after that close your book and PC find
an empty book and write down what you learn . Watching videos have two
advantages you will hear that means you will remember 20% of what you
hear from the video and you see you will remember 30% of what you see
from that video .
You can choose which one is best for you .

Set a plan 

Sit down and write down down your plan, proper study time , taking
rest set a time for everything if you are to study for 5 hours you
have to rest at least 10-15 minutes in each hour and in your plan you
have to write 6 or 7 extra hour to avoid unnecessary distraction .
Stick to your plan
Don't ever give up , stick to your plan no one is perfect everyone can
do it disobeying your plan will make you learn nothing except a lesson
that will learn when the result is out.

Don't get distracted but how?
We have two types of distraction which are;

1- External distraction
2- internal distraction

External distraction

The external distractions are things that we pick up from the
surrounding world through our senses. They are the things that we see,
hear, smell, taste, and touch. For examples ; reading while radio TV
is on , being distract by noisy things  .
Make sure you find a good study time and a conducive atmosphere with
will be quite and good for studying , you can go to library , your
room , or any other proper place for studying the more you get
distract the more you will lose your focus .

Internal distraction

The internal distractions are mostly the things that bounce around in
our brain like random thoughts, memories or dreams. That’s what most
meditation practices tend to focus on: disciplining our monkey minds
to be more focused and calm.
Do everything that will make you happy and don't bother yourself and
worry too much this is to avoid internal distraction the more you
internally get distract the more you will not focus enough .

Eat Healthy
Have 3 square meal a day this will keep you healthy and make you focus
more on your studies , leaving yourself with hungry stomach will not
help u to focus enough you will end up beating a dead horse.
Study without limits.
Study like if you fail each course you will be withdraw from the school .
Taking nap
Take a nap when you study much this will help you to refresh your
brain and wake up fresh .
Believe in yourself
Put it in your mind that you can do it and only working hard will make u do it .
Finally have a confident and never tend to give up if you study much
you can hang around with friends and have some exercise .

Monday, March 13, 2017

7 The Most Important Study Hacks

     Studying is a must for everyone .Everyone studies and wants to be good at it .Studies most of the time make us stressed even if we feel we cannot finish the homework we are required to do .As there are techniques for everything i am going to be showing you 7 the most important study hacks  .

Make Your Senses Count 

 Watch a YouTube Video About The Subject You Are Studying
  We remember the most of what we see .That is why it is important to make sure that our all senses are working toward our goal of studying .

Do Not Study More ,Study Actively

  Always be aware of your situation .If you think you do not get any of it ,at this point you must not give up .But if you realize your brain is tired , you should take rest and do not ever forget that it is not that we study more and more hours but we study actively not passively

Take Notes and Make Them Enough Exciting For You 

   I say enough because everyone has a way of taking notes .My suggestion would be that you write them in a way it is clear and you fill it with your words.

Teach It To Someone 

   I am not embarrased to say that i used to teach everything to the tv which was always off .It is like it was there as my student .I had almost never watched tv on it but used it as my student .

Take A Nap Or At Least Rest 

   This is important for our brain to get free. if you nap straight after an intensive study session, your brain will transfer the information from your short term memory to your long term memory where it could last a lifetime so you should take the advantage of this ! Nice Nap Taking To you 

Do Not Be Busy 

  Yes , you heard it right .Dont be busy with the things you are not concerned with .After i learnt that the people who are on their dead bed are the most to regret .I am sure that i dont want to regret .

Study In Sessions

   Well , many people out of nowhere says that we should use pomodoro  technique. I am OK with that but not everyone is same , not every lecture topic is same and so on .So do what makes you feel comfortable with studying .Sometimes you may want to study 20 mins sometimes 1 hour .There is just a point that study consistently

      Question : what study hacks would you give to students ?
        I am waiting your answer in comment session . May your days be fulfilled with happiness