I am one of those who believe we should keep learning as long as we live because life never stops teaching.The aim of this blog is not to cover only one topic but all the topics because nothing is observed alone , at least that s what ı believe in because when we look at around , we not only need knowledge of one topic but more topics .
Knowledge is POWER —>> Well , for lazy people like me it is very hard to take action and ı believe pretty much everyone wants to do awesome things in life but none of them happens with zero effort .
If you are my visitor here , what ı expect from myself and from you is taking action .No more zero days ( the days we spent in vain) and yes to breaking our limits .
Who am ı ? I am a student , so are we ! 
I have been studying Industrial and Systems Engineering , ı am highly interested in learning and investing myself , in programming languages .I always like what is usefull and leave what is not and English is my second language .
Would you learn with me everyday ? If Yes , don’t forget if you dont live the way you want you are no different than people who are in jail. Learn , take action and conquer your World !
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