Life is different for everyone .Some have a difficult one , some have an easy one...It is known that people who had the most challenging life in the beginning of their lives ; they are the successful ones because they are brave enough to take responsibilities and have seen the dirtiness of the World earlier...
Our World is full of people who want to take our attention.Social media , television , too many artists , actors , politicians and so on ...
The turth is that ; we live in an materialistic world where people exactly produce things just to take our time , prevent us from questioning and from having our own freedom.
Everything started when we were so small .The beautiful hearted we , we were babies but there were already bad people in the World who wanted to rule us .They just all affected our lives...How ? do you think all inventions are beneficial for us ?Even the word interacting has been changing.
We started to live ourlives without questioning , but then what ? Oh they aspect us to be creative ..Hell , no they just want us to invent more , for what ?To make them rich but harm many people at the same time .
I am not telling that we should not have internet and so on .Instead , i do love it.But let's be sure there is a work done for a high price in a rich country and done for a few price in a poor country .The same work , same energy but no fair
Once someone said ; he was born in a village .He went to university and then saw people different than him .He started wear like they do , eat like they do then what? he got broke...After this shock he asked himself 'do i have to wear the same brand as that actor does? , do i have to give high price for a same or lower product ? why do i study ?' ...these question led him to think as ; i study to be able to afford what i love to buy , a home and a car ...Then he just drop out the university.He made a house for himself in 3 months . He again started to wear what he sew for himself ..He left trying to be like that actor ...then he built some other homes and then sold one of them , he bought a car with it. While the highly successful friend of him was just going to graduate , he had already built the life that he wanted.
Life is not difficult , we make it difficult .We would be having a lower brand phone , a smaller house and so on instead of working like hell for someone else , trying to afford the bills , hearing the boss screaming ..This is just an advice for the ones who just want to have a house and a car ...Because it doesn't really take a lot to do them but instead , have a really good goal and work for it not for money .Because the people who rule us want us to work a lot and spend our all money on that the most expensive car ..Why ? oh because it is expensive and everyone has it
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