Sunday, February 5, 2017

Clever Study Tips!

  Hi  There .I have been searching about study tips for months and finally ı am happy to be able to announce the most important parts over here .I gathered the ones that were tested by people and it works pretty much in an 'incredible' way.Before that, ı want to share some quotes with you .

  • The only source of knowledge is experience.

  • Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving. Albert Einstein

  • We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. Albert Einstein

  • Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein

  • Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do. Pele

  • “Perfection its not magic, but its the art of doing things over and over and over.

  • I learn lot of things by Practicing them.The more mistakes I make on them, the closer I get to be right. You cant just be perfect or a master of something by just studying it. But you can be master and perfect by doing and practicing over and over. Repetition is equals to greatness and success.” 
  • ― De philosopher DJ Kyos
  • “Don’t think it’s the end of the world. Don’t die, lose hope or be miserable when people cut you off from their lives. Thinking you are so desperate and depended on them. If they do that to you. You won’t survive. 

  • Instead when they cut you off. Use that as an opportunity for you to develop and grow your own roots, and let them grow and be firm to be able to hold you on your ground. Every plant or tree was once a small seed.” 
  •  De philosopher DJ Kyos
  • Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it. Bruce Lee

  • A Life Full of Learning is a Life Well Lived
           The Right Strategy for Learning New Things 
Every subject is different, so every topic has its own unique way .
   1. Finding the right time to study.

 If you are waiting for perfect moment , the next monday , the results of election ,the beginning of next year , waiting for boss to give salaries ,waiting for a friend to tell you when to start.Unfortunately, people who said they will do today's work tomorrow always lost.I am sure you dont know to be a loser.Never wait for the perfect moment because there is no time called perfect moment unless you make it .Make use of every single minute that you have.
   2.Finding the right place to work 
Yes,i know you heard many people saying where you study is important but these are all the games of materialistic world.A very passioned person will never think in this way .He will study in bus , at queue, on sundays.I do not tell you not to enjoy .What i say is that 'dont make place your problem'.Do you know why ? You will already give yourself to waht you are studying .Do you think these richest people had the best opportunities in the world .No , most of them were very poor .They struggled a lot .There are many things to be concerned in this world .Finding a place to study should not be a problem .We must have a joy of studying at every place. 
       3. Do not ever leave today's work to be done tomorrow !
Every day is a special day itself .We feel lazy , tired or not feeling to do work today and leave it to tomorrow but we dont know what tomorrow is going to come up with , so it is not actually good to leave today's work.Many people actually say they will do it later but they don't ,so leaving work is even a risky thing at this situation.Because of leaving to the last minute ,we can affect our lives negatively .
4.Do not Multitask!
I was very confused about that because there are people who says it is ok to multitask and my desires even love to multitask :)
But!! after plenty of research ı have found out that we should not multitask .At one time ,only focus on on book , one study topic.This improves your focus on that subject .To make it visual , when i was trying to chat to too many people ı was saying things that did not make sense but when ı do chat to only one person, i found it joyfull and ı was able to focus on it better .
5.Never Leave a Task Half-Done 
You should finish all the task that you have started .Sometimes we stop things before we finish them , maybe we think they are not going to be as we want them .If you think of starting a new work , finish the one you started and then go on working in other subject .
6. When you are done with day's work , think of what you will do tomorrow 
When you are done ,decide what you will have at next step and make your decisions according to it .Even if you cant do this ,before starting a study section or a project , think of what you will do at this study section.I see this like mapping .In your mind , let's say , you think you ll firstly watch videos and write notes down while watching and then solve problem then read about it and go back to the problems that you could not  solve and at this step you solve them or you ask them to someone else .
7. Have whatever you need beside you!
We need some items while studying .Consider , you were solving problems and then you realized you forgot to take your pen .You stand up , open your bag and take it .You are going to solve math problems but calculator is not around neither is in bag.Oh hell, what a big distraction! ,so we should take everything with us that we know we will need while studying .Thinking before this study section to gather them is important.
8.Focus,Focus ,Focus 
Well, everybody know how important focus is and ı believe there is no one against the importance of it .We should ask at least two questions to ourselves .First , Does focus matter ? 
I want to tell a story( the best way of learning thing is thinking it in an easy and a way that we know ) I had heard of this story when ı was little .Once in a time , a person goes to a genius of time .Genius gives him a spoon and he puts syrup into that spoon.He tells this man to tour around garden and never pour from that syrup.He start this little journey , he does his best to take care of this spoon and syrup.When he is back , the genius asks him 'did you realize the beauty of garden? He replied :No .This time the genius sends him back to tour around that garden again.He goes and he becomes amazed by the beauty of garden .He comes back ,even before genius , he starts telling him how beautiful garden is ! 
At first time he had focused on syrup to not to pour any of it but at second time , he did not have anything to focus on other than garden and he realized the beauty of it , so focus matters .Even from our lives we can see the importance of it.
The other Question is that 'How should we focus?'
Focus like a soldier , who is on hot lines , following the enemy! 
Be careful if you dont focus on it , it will kill you !!
9. Always have a plan!
Do not study so many hours , but make it a clever study time  by measuring out the easy and understandable way and then go on working on it.Study less and clever by be active energy .What ı  mean with that is , dont watch videos like watching tv or dont read books as if you were reading it for fun but take notes .
10.Never step back 
There are alwasy going to be hard things .Look, if it is easy for you that means 1) you are talented 2) it is under you limits .If you want to achieve more ,you must break your limits .Every subject was hard before we learnt them .Think of the time , you first went to school , at that time you were suffering learning alphabet! ,so never give up neither choose easy steps.
11.Study every day !
Study every day , even if it is just 1 minute or let's say you are taking vacation , just open the cover of book .This is a game for our brain .Actually , the way it works ! 
12.Dont waste time 
Let's say you are tired of studying , when you leave it , dont go to do something that is not important ( this is mostly for people who dont want to waste time )
13.If you enjoy , you will start thinking about it a lot and this is a good sign

14.It is not important how much you studied but it is important to know how much you learnt 

15.Be Far from distractions!
Let people know you are going to study and don't even care if this dissapoints them because you are working for your future .What you are doing is going to affect you but that party , that friend who did not allow you to study will not be ! 
16. Study at the same time every day!
Yes, this is important .There are really two kinds of people at this point.The ones who like and understand more at night or in the morning .So figure out which is you and study at an obvious hour every day 
17.Care of every point 
Do not pass a mistake by knowingly
18. At the end of the day , think of what you did throughout that day 
19. While taking notes ,make sure it is in a clear and short way .You should write in your own words and even act like you are teaching it to someone else ( ı used to explain everything to tv and now ı dont watch tv :) )
20.Try as much as possible to use your whole senses .
Whatever you did , forget the past and open a new page for yourself .There is an idea called ' no zero days' if you spent doing nothing that pleases you , believe me people who are in jail are happier.Do you know why ? they make things , they read , they watch but the most important thing ' they do what they enjoy'. Dont let people turn your life into hell.Make it your own heaven.In life everything has a strategy .If we use strategies we get things done fast .A martial art artist , designer, cooks;has thier own strategy.Believe in yourself!!

(there are some other tips i may edit this post)