Monday, February 20, 2017

How To Be The Most Positive Person In the World

 how to be pozitive

many people find themselves daydreaming or experiencing negative thoughts throughout the day. In fact ” Each person has an average of 60,000 thoughts a day! That’s one thought per second in every waking hour! Amazingly, 95 percent are the same thoughts repeated every day.On average, 80 percent of those habitual thoughts are negative.Unfortunately, our brains are hardwired to pay more attention to negative experiences than to positive ones.


carefully observe your thoughts before it unfolds in words through you.
Make sure it's coming in the positive way you want.
Believe now onwards you're thinking in positive way, because  some are  always negative, what we are trying to do is  being happy as maximum as possible in positive way.
Smile is a curve which can straighten everything.Wear a cheerful smile throughout the day, people can either be happy or negative at one time.
Take a decision, whatever comes in life , accept it as it's and
shape it as you want. Life is given to all the human beings, few of them celebrate it and many keep complaining about it . Don't be among those who always complain .
Be grateful of what you have , its yours there are so many people who don't have all these things that you possess.
Try being happy, cheerful, dynamic, energetic. These are the states where you can be only positive.
When you notice that negative thoughts or images are starting to enter your mind, stop thinking and try to find something that always make you happy or something that will keep you busy .
As now you are busy reading my article.

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Friday, February 17, 2017

Tips For a Better 'Now'

tips and quotes for  a better life

              Steps to an Successfull Life

  • Take risks in your life.If you can  win, you can lead ;if you can lose, you can guide.Taking risks may harm or surprise you so also use your brain to choose the best way.Even losing is even an ability but if you don't ever take action that is your issue .

  • When someone hurts you , don't feel bad because it is a law of nature that the tree that bears the sweetest fruits gets maximum number of stones.They also may no be in their mood on this day so never ever get sad for this .

  • People are not what they say but they are they are  what they do ; judge them from their actions.

  • Take whatever you can take  from life because once life starts taking from you , it will take even your last breath
  • In this world, people will always throw stones away to you . It depends on what you make from them – a wall or hotel.
  • Challenges make life interesting but it may seem boring; overcoming them make life meaningful in any way .
  • There is no joy in victory without running the risk of defeat no do not give up.
  • A path without obstacles can lead you nowhere.
  • You can’t have a better tomorrow if you are always  thinking about yesterday all the time.
  • If what you did yesterday still looks big to you, then that means  you haven’t done much today.
  • If you don’t build your dreams, unfortunatelly someone else will hire you to build theirs.
  • If you don’t climb the mountain,oh friend  you can’t view the plain.
  • Don’t leave it idle-empty – use your brain.
  •  You are not paid to have a brain, you are only rewarded for using it intelligently which feels awesome.
  • It is not what you don’t have that limits you; it is what you have but don’t know how to use so use what you have.
  • What you fail to learn might teach you a lesson so dont be afraid to fail , 
  • The difference between a corrupt person and an honest person is: The corrupt person has a price while the honest person has a value, be the person of value .
  • If you succeed in cheating someone, don’t think that the person is a fool person…… Realise that the person trusted you much more than you deserved, be trusted and trust.
  • Honesty is an expensive gift; don’t expect it from cheap people, be with expensive people which does not mean being with rich people .