Friday, February 17, 2017

The characteristics of genuis


GENUIS : Nature or Nurture

 Most of us are amazed by people who are extremely clever at their young age .They have fun in ways that we consider as boring They spend time sovling puzzles , questioning all the time .They love math problems and academic books .They are always over their peers .Their speed of understanding is very high.

Why are some people geniuses and others are not ?Does the environment a person is raised in create a genius , or is it because the person was simply born that way ?

Yes , the people we call genuis are talented .Wh oknows from the beginning of their lives or the way they were raise because no one would know they would become genuises .All these genuises have different abilities which they are the best at it .
While geniuses have the ability to be the best at what they are doing , there are many things hard for them which are normal for others..For example , being in relationship , loving , hugging , talking ... these things are very hard for them and most of the time they feel lonely .

Let's look at a genuis ;Daniel Tammet .The very special about him is that he always counts .Ever since the age of three , when he suffered an epilectic fit , Tammet has been obsessed with counting .Now he is a mathematical genuis figure out cube roots quicker than a calculator and recal pi to 22.514 decimal places.He also happens to be autistic, which is why he can't drive a car, wire a plug or tell right from left .He lives with extra ordinary ability and disability.

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