Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Changing For A Better Life


   Hi there , life has always been changing and some people are lucky who are those who change themselves to be better .If you do not have challenged anything in life and everything was easy , this is in fact a bad thing.While some of us become sad that we cannot be disciplined there are those this is easy for them .Do not ever be sad because you have an habit you do not like .Once someone happened to say where there is problem there is opportunity .

 I am embarrased to tell a bad story here but i really want to .There was a girl who was among many relatives and the people who loved to spend time watching tv , playing games and so on ...Days passed , months passed , years became decade and is about to become two decades but she just spent time on useless things .Even though she was taught english in school for 12 years she only knew no more than 20 words but then when it came to the first year of university she needed to learn English , so she started .Some thought it is because of teacher that she learned English language so well but they were wrong .She actually discovered the power of learning on own .19.8 years after she was born , she can say that she can live now .Do you know why ? because she does what she loves .She wants to scream on the top of mountain ' I love to spend time with what i love' ..Did you watch that Steve Jobs had said we should have passion .Yes that passion happened to appear in her heart .She searched a lot and then she loved programming but still just continued searching ..After one year she had come to a point that it is enough search and waiting .She should start learning .

 You may think that this story is not a sad story but it seems a storty of an unsuccessful person .It is up to you to see it as a sad story or not.But it is not an story of unsuccessful person because life is continuing and everyone make mistakes.There are people who spend their whole life in vain .This girl does not want to be one of them .This girl wants success anymore .She knows she cannot earn the years back but she can make her moments perfect .

Today this girl started to learn programming .I beleive it  need to be appreciated .Well , it is actually me i live in this way i love to make moments perfect and better . It does not matter how i spent my life in the past , like only playing games , being with family and friends.I just want to learn from past and look at the moment  As long as i breathe i dont give up

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

'Change' To Be Better 'You'

When you feel like crap, your life is begging you to change something.

(Yourself, preferably.) We are programmed to resist the change. Change is hard, scary, uncomfortable and we have no idea what is on the other side, always people want to change their life but they spend years without achiving their goals because of  changing anything.

Why does this happen to us

Start acting .When you wanna study medicine ,saying it in heart will not make you become a doctor but acting, enrolling to school , studying hard, focusing on lectures and doing research will help you to be a doctor . Sometimes people just say it in their heart and dream it always ,but spend years without achiving it .The dreams and positive thinking will become useless and nonsense if you do not work towards them.
Stoicism is an Ancient Greek philosophy, which teaches that peaceful life can be achieved, when you find the value in adversity, accept the things you cannot control and grow through your obstacles.We became professionals on complaining. We can quickly and accurately pinpoint all the things that we hate and all the ways in which life sucks. We can always fish out the things that we hate and pull out all the things that we hate in our heart but we can't bring in the things
that we want in future that will help us to be better in the world.
First thing you have to do ,when an idea of making change come to your mind is ;

Change your habit

Good habits are the pillars of happy and successful life. Habits give
us the sense of control. Habits are small daily actions, but their
effects are compounding. When everything appears to go wrong, try to change one habit.
Don't let bad habit and negative behavior destroy your plan

Create it!!!

What can I create out of this situation?” is another one. Start
thinking creatively about your problems.
Steve Chandler said that" No’ is not an answer, but the question. ‘No’ is the way for Universe to ask you: “Can’t you be a bit more creative than that?”
There is always a solution.You must believe  that every problems have its solution , solutions are created  before problems , you just need to act and find it.Do not forget if there is an problem there is opportunity.Thomas Edison famously said, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."Most people spend their lives in desperation. They do the things that are absolutely necessary in their lives and avoid the things that require even a little bit extra effort.They do only the minimum amount of work in their jobs, spend only the minimum amount of effort in their love lives, and spend almost no time on their future plans.Work for your future it is in your hand ,now time is going wake up from this daydream.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Change starts with you

change starts with you

To change someone or something from negative to positive is not so
easy , but putting in our heart that we need to change world from
negative to positive is a positive thinking . we are in this world for
a purpose and we have our own personal goals, the purpose of being in this world  depends on your religion perspective  , and your own goals is what you want to do personally either good or a bad . doing so many things is a not a change doing good things is what we called change .

*How to know a positive change and negative change*
Positive changes are the changes that  human being brought that will make people life peacefully , easily and happily in a knowledgeable way .

While negative changes cause harm to people and their environment .

Do we need to go to school before we change the world from negative to positive ? The answer is NO we don't need to go to school but we need knowledge , the things you learned at home or somewhere else . In some areas schooling is the best Way to bring technological and creative changes  

How to change the world and people?
 It is easy , first and foremost change yourself .
If you want world to live in peace so you need to live in peace, don't fight anyone.think positive.
If you want to earn illiteracy in the world you need to change
yourself by seeking knowledge from anywhere.
If you want to earn poverty so don't be greedy , always give what belong to you to the needy and leave what doesn't belongs to you .
Whatever you want to bring into the world ,you need to start from yourself.

Changing is so much important to you and everyone. Without people who changed this world before you were born ,you would not be able to connect internet , have comfort , read this article ,make calls and so on...

Is changing the world hard or easy ?

Changing the world is so easy if you believe in yourself.

Things to consider before you change the world
1 - Believe in yourself.
2 - put in your heart that you are strong enough to do it.
3 - Do not put road blocks in your mind.
4 - Think before you say/write.
5 - Be positive and productive.
And finally be honest and sincere.


Change yourself for a better life , Don't ever expect others to change because you cannot know whether they really want to change or not .No matter what , better things start with change and start that change by changing the habits and life sytle that you don't like