Monday, February 20, 2017

Do you regret ?

do you regret as others ?

                                        Do you ever Regret ?

Are you one of those who always spent time regreting and doing nothing to correct your life ?A recent survey has shown that we spend almost three quarters of an hour every week dwelling on our regrets.

We spend 44 minutes a week thinking about things we could or should have done differently.Our main areas of regret are our love lives :(20%) family (18%) career(16%) health(14%) and finances(14%) 

I don't really know or maybe dont want to know  that this survey is real because it is not really a logical thing to spend our life on regreting , but it is the truth even though we do not want to see .When it comes to thinking about that ,we just think of being pozitive but with our actions ,we must make it come true. Otherwise, they just stay in our brains as words but they make no differences in our lives.

Regreting never helped or will help humans .It is always better to take action ,have fun and do what we have to be doing.

It is also found that old people are the most regreters( i dont know if there is a word like that :) ) because their life is just going to end soon and this becomes a very serious thing in their eyes and then they start thinking about the things they did not, instead of thinking the things they did wrong .

Instead of thinking negative in this limited life , live it fully , give it its worth .Love yourself , respect yourself , do not ever give up!

        Know that you are enough brave to challenge ,once someone said when there is problem there is opportunity , so just keep working.Soon you will get what you deserve .Do not waste time regreting , instead get better and be the best version of yourself !